
Monday, January 9, 2012

We are back....

After barley surviving the holidays
We are back with an organizing challenge, new crafts,
yummy recipes, and Valentines DIY projects!!

I just got my tree down!

And now I am depressed. 
My house is sad and no longer sparkly!

I went straight for decorating for Valentines Day!

Yesterday we decided to make something to spruce up our Living Room area.

 See....Kinda sad!!

Looking for some inspiration....

My cute hubby measuring my space...
while I boss him around!

 A plan....

Wood salvaged from my broken fence in the backyard...

 Cut and layed out to decide where to add the screws.


After I screwed it all together.
  I decided it needed a little paint.
 Watered down white did the trick. 

I hung a wreath that I had in another room on it.
And then decided it needed a valentines touch!
That will come next!

I LOVE it!!